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The content of this site is inspired by Socrates, the wisest of the mortals and gods ever. I worship no gods here, nor do I worship humans. I only draw your attention to Socrates' dialectical method: Everything is a unity of two opposites. At the very beginning of the end there is the very end of the beginning: Infinity and Nothingness. Expansion created by the Big-Bang followed by Implosion created by the Big-Crunch and so on for ever and never. If A is legitimate, non-A must have legitimacy as well. For there is no logical foundation for the expression only A is legitimate; or, only Opposite-A is legitimate. I synthesize these statements in the Fundamental Formula of Philosophy (FF0):
Creation = Destruction
There are no principles (forces, in terms of physics) above or more general than Creation and Destruction. The creation of creation is still creation; the destruction of destruction is still destruction. At the next lower level, there is the unity of the opposites Energy and Matter. Matter represents relatively static states of Energy. We may write the next lower level Fundamental Formula (FF1) as:
E*D = M*L
(Energy Times Darkness = Matter Times Light).
I try to illustrate all this briefly via the science of gambling and snippets of computational psychology, philosophy. For gambling reflects so well the Socratic dichotomy: win and loss expressed in marvelous numeric relations, very much as in life. C'est la vie...
Please read on, for you will discover a mighty formula that can make a difference to your bottom line: Fundamental Formula of Gambling.
While on this subject, get yourself winning lotto systems, lottery strategy, lottery software as well. The page also features the best lotto and lottery numbers generator. The combinations generated random alright, but also highly optimized.
In 2003 (3 WE) the casinos obstructed me. They asked me to stop playing while using my gambling systems based on mathematics of streaks. • Read on how casinos impose a ban on reason, science, intelligence: Science of Winning, Law, Ban, Discrimination
We follow next our dichotomy in human life. Not to shock anyone, I represent here the following paradigm: Humans as living computers: Philosophy, Computational Psychology, Fear Survival, Homo Computing_Beast. Frankly, the most truthful definition of humans is (you heard it first here, do not blame anyone else): humans are computing beasts. A greatest thinker, Aristotle, a disciple of Plato, who was a disciple of Socrates, defined the human species as Zoon politikon = City beast. Hence, Political beast. Hence, politics. I use the term beast rather than zoon, animal for a strong reason, which I will not explain now.
As different as we are from the beasts, we must never forget that they are our ancestors, after all! And we definitely inherited their essence, which is the essence of all life: the Fear and Survival basic input-output system. What made humans such a special species was counting, computing. In the next paramount step of evolution, the computing beast honed its skills to become a calculating beast. We owe so much to cunning... Eventually, the number led to the development of speech. It fascinates me to watch lion prides in the African wilderness (the birth place of humans, Homo erectus). It is the most vivid and dramatic illustration of the Fear and Survival essence.
For others, the most fascinating embodiment of Fear and Survival is humans at war. Remember how high the television ratings were during the Gulf War of 1990-1991? So, don't you even think of stealing my ideas, because I am truly a Tiger, according to the Chinese horoscope! As usually (and perhaps normally), I expect some negative, sometimes hateful, reaction to my words, ideas, even to my formulas and computer programs. And I sincerely thank you all. Be mindful of great mathematician Leibniz's motto. Leibniz said he was willing to walk 100 miles to listen to his harshest enemy if there was something to learn from it. I assume Leibniz was also very well armed himself. He probably knew the meaning of fear and survival...
There is a message board here unlike any other: World Message Board, Forums for Lotto, Lottery, Gambling, Software, Systems, Philosophy. The forum is a website of its own. I authored most of the messages. I have treated the messages as important web pages, not meaningless one-liners as the ones that litter (literally!) most message boards. The messages deal with lottery and gambling theories, strategies, and software. There are also philosophical issues in discussion. Some of my posts are written in a pseudo-religious manner, to the surprise of many. After all, like all humans, I have temporal lobes — the divine hostels! The gods are hosted there…
God, however, is a mathematical impossibility as well. FF0 above proves the logical impossibility of God. The Fundamental Formula of Gambling (FFG) proves that absolute certainty is a mathematical absurdity. God is Absolute Certainty, therefore absolute absurdity. The mathematical and logical steps of the Fundamental Formula of Gambling were founded by the great French/English mathematician Abraham de Moivre. • Read the quintessence of gambling mathematics page. I can only imagine de Moivre's reaction when this thought might have crossed his mind: “Certainty is absurd! How can God be True?” It was the 17th century, and the 21st has just a little changed for the better…
You may not want to take any of the following actions before reading the writings of the author of this Web site:
Believe in any ideas before doubting and dissecting the totality critically, therefore rationally.
Believe in any formula invalidated by data or concrete, logical facts.
Believe in superstitions or even gods — the ultimate institutionalized cosmic hallucinations.
Attack or blindly follow humans, even if they claim divine status.
Look at yourself in the mirror and believe you are alpha and omega of human race.
Look at yourself in the mirror and believe you are nothing — in truth, you are an extraordinary result of Probability, the favorite game of Almighty Randomness.
Create another piece without knowing what Divine Proportion is all about.
Complete that huge puzzle of life without knowledge of permutations, combinations, and everything randomly combinatorial.
Enter a Las Vegas “temple” and gamble in casinos with fear and lack of knowledge.
Enter a horse-racing track and gamble at horse racing without knowing it right from the horse's mouth.
Gamble mathematically in general: roulette, blackjack, sports betting, craps, dice, ciamciuga or chumchewgah gambling, baccarat, standard deviation, casino gambling with false instructors and casino moles, etc.
Play lottery strategies, lotto systems without studying the formulas, theories discovered right here and presented in great detail.
Buy software before you put to good use the best software for Pick (Digit) Lottery, Gambling, Lotto, Powerball, Mega Millions, Euromillions, Keno, Blackjack, Roulette, Baccarat, Horse Racing, Sports Betting, Probability, Odds, Statistics, Combinatorial Mathematics, Lexicographical Ordering, Random Generators offered right here.
Other pages of interest at SALIU.TRIPOD.COM:
Lottery, Lotto, Software: Free Systems, Strategies.
Excel Spreadsheets, Lotto, Lottery.
Free Roulette Systems, Software.
Portal, Random Numbers Generator.
Software Download Analysis.
The Hot Debate on Lotto Combination 1 2 3 4 5 6.
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online random number generator, probability calculator.
Author Ion Saliu: Profiled in the internationally acclaimed Marquis Who's Who directories, starting with the editions in the brackets.
Who's Who In Science And Engineering (1994/1995)
Who's Who In The World (1995)
Who's Who In America (Millennium Edition, 2000).
Read more: Ion Saliu's Book of Records.

Read Ion Saliu's first book in print: Probability Theory, Live!
~ Discover profound philosophical implications of the Fundamental Formula of Gambling (FFG).
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Socrates Home Search Ion, Help! Contact Ion What's New Fundamental Formula of Gambling Probability Theory Combinatorics, Permutations Standard Deviation Lottery, Lotto, Software, Systems Spreadsheets, Lotto, Lottery Blackjack Strategy Roulette Systems Horse Racing Software Sports Betting, Football, Software Baccarat Theory, Software Ion Saliu's Book of Records Random Generator, Odds Calculator . Newest Writings Download Software Content Categories Message Board Site analyzer Super Forums Software